Failing breath Letra


El tema "Failing breath" interpretado por Zeraphine pertenece a su disco "Traumaworld". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Failing breath" de Zeraphine.

Failing breath lyrics

I never thought this day would come
i did not know all hope was gone
shattered in a lost eternity
i never wished to drift away
how could i feel at home again
with all the things you said, upon my mind
There is so much left to say to you
unspoken words won't change the truth
i doubt that words change anything at all
what if we could turn time back again
would we do it all the same?
and until now the bitter chill remains
The failing breath is familiarity
i think i see your smile vanish afar
[ De: ]
the failing breath is my fragility
the pieces left behind is all we are
Your heartbeat is too far away
there's no place where i can stay
picture of a dream i can't deny
all at once i hear your voice
another scene and still you cry
i would have given all to share your pain
But now you run and you will hide again
the lonely days may never end
i'll try to find the courage from day to day
your fears are always close to me
in time i'll catch my failing breathe,
but the air around me will belong to you


Failing breath

Ver más info

Artista: Zeraphine
Canción: Failing breath
Duración: 04:59
Vistas: 15.753
Álbum: Traumaworld
Etiquetas: industrial rock, gothic rock, gothic

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