Fly Letra

Moxy Fruvous

El tema "Fly" interpretado por Moxy Fruvous pertenece a su disco "Wood". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fly" de Moxy Fruvous.

Fly lyrics

When you've played out as the world turns
you don't need soaps to clean your mind
every little child learns
if you can't see dreams, your eyes are blind
was it just a fool's impression?
such an antiquated passion.
on the day they both conspired to ride the midway after dark
they had enough of their pride to not bring coins to this amusement park
and she held his hand to follow
and he held his breath, then let go
they crouched down low.
sat in the front row.
untied the rope so they could fly
hold on tight, let's get it just right,
we'll take our last flight. you and i.
[the following paragraph appears in the
liner notes, but not in the song itself]
when you're getting tired of normal
you sometimes think you've lost your will
[ De: ]
you see something less formal
and reconcile to try to move in for the thrill
was it breaking down like most do?
or searching for happiness where you're supposed to?
So they cried inside while their eyes smiled
there was no turning back for two
erase the memory stockpile
all alone, and one thing left to do
in the rollarcoaster shadows,
they took off their shoes and bared their souls
they crouched down low.
sat in the front row
untied the rope so they could fly
hold on tight, let's get it just right
we'll take our last flight. you and i.
and she held his hand to follow
and he held his breath, then let go
they crouched down low
sat in the front row
untied the rope so they could fly
hold on tight, let's get it just right,
we'll take our last flight.
you and i.
Moxy Fruvous
Ver más info

Artista: Moxy Fruvous
Canción: Fly
Duración: 04:55
Vistas: 2.196
Álbum: Wood
Etiquetas: sad, mellow, melancholy, beautiful, folk

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