Downsizing Letra

Moxy Fruvous

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Downsizing" de Moxy Fruvous.

Downsizing lyrics

Color balloons, an appreciative handshake,
if that counts as severance then don't waste your breath.
we gave our times to a company planning our death.
well, it's a new challenge my family hasn't yet met.
I've sat at this desk and tried to be honest,
22 years with these men on the line.
record?s? set profits, then how's this a sign of the times?
I won't tell my wife, i will work it out,
things will be fine.
It's the message we send.
our relevance pays.
It's not the
of these working man's days.
Make up your mind and make me a statistic.
make a production machine ?had it debt?
cast the man out, too, now, making a living regret.
Well, some build their fortunes on others who
build what they get.
It's the message we send.
[ De: ]
our relevance pays.
It's not the
of these working man's days.
I picture myself
with all of your freedom to choose.

do you picture yourself?
with all of your wealth you can use.
Step into my
(guitar and keyboard solo)
Don't hold your breath,
but don't hold out your hand.
hold your head up and be brave to a man.
some day they'll lose something worse
and then they'll understand.
for now we just pick up our things
and find work where we can.
It's the message we send.
our relevance pays.
it's not the
of these working man's days.
It's the message we send.
our relevance pays.
It's not the
of these working man's days.

(bird chirping sounds)
Moxy Fruvous

Moxy Fruvous


Ver más info

Artista: Moxy Fruvous
Canción: Downsizing
Vistas: 238

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