Flowers in the morning Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Flowers in the morning" de Doris.

Flowers in the morning lyrics

I will bring you flowers in the morning
Wild roses as the sun begins to shine
Sweet perfume and tiny jewel caskets
If i thouhgt you ever changed your mind

I will take you where the music's sweetest
And feed your winter fruits and summer wine
I'll show you things you'd only seen in story books
If i thouhgt you'd ever changed your mind

i will bring you happiness wrapped up in a box and tied with a yellow bow?
I will bring you rainbow skies
Summer rain to make your garden grow
And in the winter snow, my songs will keep you from the cold

[ De: ]
But what use are flowers in the morning
When the garden they should grow in is not mine
And what use are sunshine when you're crying
And my fallen tears are mingeled with the wine???

I will bring you happiness wrapped up in a box and tied with a yellow bow?
I will bring you rainbow skies
Summer rain to make your garden grow
And in the winter snow, my songs will keep you from the cold

I will bring you flowers in the morning
Wild roses as the sun begins to shine
Winter fruits and summer wine
Sweet perfume and ...
If i thouhgt you'd ever changed your mind

If i thouhgt


Flowers in the morning

Ver más info

Artista: Doris
Canción: Flowers in the morning
Duración: 03:02
Vistas: 7.865
Etiquetas: female vocalist, swedish, cover, chillout, pop

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