Did you give the world some love today baby? Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Did you give the world some love today baby?" de Doris.

Did you give the world some love today baby? lyrics

Did you give the world some love today, babe?
did you give the world some love today, babe?
well you gave me lots of love that's true
you give the world some lovin' too?
'd you give the world some love today, babe?
When you saw her with her man
you were quick to here the lies
the thing he needed most
was a kind look from your eyes
when you saw her angry face
and the faces that you scanned
did you soft a little bit?
with a flower from you eyes?

oh, you heart is always full of love babe
and you gave me lots of love today, babe?
well, you also keep the world in mind
tell me what you did for all my kind
'd you give the world some love today, babe?

[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-did-you-give-the-world-some-love-today-baby-doris ]
Everybody in this world
has to do a whole lot more
than to love the one they spend
a lifetime looking for
you just can't keep your love
in a cosy little shell
gotta love the one you love
and the whole darn world as well
Gotta make this one big lovin' world, babe
help to make this one big lovin' world, babe
well you gave me lots of love that's true
you give the world some lovin' too?
'd you give the world some love today, babe?

Did you give the world some love today, babe?
did you give the world some love today?
did you give the world some love today?
did you give the world some love today?
did you give the world some love today?
did you give the world some love today?



Did you give the world some love today baby?

Ver más info

Artista: Doris
Canción: Did you give the world some love today baby?
Duración: 03:21
Vistas: 305

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