First time ever i saw your face Letra

Roberta Flack

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "First time ever i saw your face" de Roberta Flack.

First time ever i saw your face lyrics

The first time ever i saw your face
i thought the sun rose in your eyes
and the moon and stars were the gifts you gave
to the dark and the empty skies, my love,
to the dark and the empty skies.
The first time ever i kissed your mouth
and felt your heart beat close to mine
like the trembling heart of a captive bird
[ De: ]
that was there at my command, my love
that was there at my command.
And the first time ever i lay with you
i felt your heart so close to mine
and i knew our joy would fill the earth
and last till the end of time my love
it would last till the end of time my love
The first time ever i saw your face, your face, your face, your face
Roberta Flack

Roberta Flack

First time ever i saw your face

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Artista: Roberta Flack
Canción: First time ever i saw your face
Vistas: 3.861
Etiquetas: pop

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