Feel like makin love Letra

Roberta Flack

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Feel like makin love" de Roberta Flack.

Feel like makin love lyrics

Strollin' in the park, watching winter turn to spring
walkin' in the dark, seein' lovers do their thing, mmm
that's the time i feel like making love to you.
that's the time i feel like making dreams come true.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-feel-like-makin-love-roberta-flack ]
In a restaurant, holdin' hands by candlelight.
when you're touchin' me, wanting you with all my might.
When you talk to me, when you're moanin' sweet & low.
when you're touchin' me and my feelin's start to show.
chorus 1st verse again chorus

Roberta Flack

Roberta Flack

Feel like makin love

Ver más info

Artista: Roberta Flack
Canción: Feel like makin love
Duración: 02:53
Vistas: 2.459
Álbum: Softly with these songs: the best of roberta flack

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