Firedance Letra


El tema "Firedance" interpretado por Acrimony pertenece a su disco "Tumuli shroomaroom". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Firedance" de Acrimony.

Firedance lyrics

There was a thought at the beginning of time
all lives were known yours and mine
a conscious thought
a thought of love
Dance round the fire
dance round the fire
You say to me
[ De: ]
a chemical reaction
to create new life
create mankind
but don't you feel that deep inside
Dance round the fire
dance round the fire
Won't you sell my soul
Down, down and



Ver más info

Artista: Acrimony
Canción: Firedance
Duración: 13:17
Vistas: 6.937
Álbum: Tumuli shroomaroom
Etiquetas: fuckin space-trip, paras, stoner rock

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