Find the path Letra


El tema "Find the path" interpretado por Acrimony pertenece a su disco "Tumuli shroomaroom". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Find the path" de Acrimony.

Find the path lyrics

Look into my eyes
i see bizarre lights
look into my eyes
look into my mind
i see bizarre lights
look into my mind
Look into my eyes
look into my eyes
look into my eyes
We pay the price for thinking
[ De: ]
we pay the price for thinking
we pay the price for thinking
we pay the price for thinking
Is this what grows at the back of my mind
looking down through your eyes
i just feel so fucking down
give me some valium
Do it, do it
give me some valium


Find the path

Ver más info

Artista: Acrimony
Canción: Find the path
Duración: 04:08
Vistas: 10.342
Álbum: Tumuli shroomaroom
Etiquetas: stoner metal, stoner, stoner rock

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