Fire & ice Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fire & ice" de Altaria.

Fire & ice lyrics

Like a whirlwind of neon through empty streets
the crusader forever races
a message he brings to the chosen one
on the wings of a fire-spitting dragon
Remember his name you'll hear it again
as the clouds of the tempest gather
from the skies he'll return with the speed of light
[ De: ]
and the sword of vengeance higher

See the calm before the storm
Fire and ice
sleeping visions come to life again
fire and ice
out of the night
Nation by nation he'll conquer the world
a warrior shows no mercy
from the arctic cold to the tropical night
far and wide goes the glourious journey


Fire & ice

Ver más info

Artista: Altaria
Canción: Fire & ice
Duración: 00:30
Vistas: 82

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