Emerald eye Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Emerald eye" de Altaria.

Emerald eye lyrics

As the sun sets down in the west
another sleepless night comes her way
working late for the ruler of the street
Finding her way trough hard times
trying to make a good life
selling her body to strangers in the night
Emerald eye - hold on to the signs
of a distant thunder roaring in the sky
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-emerald-eye-altaria ]
As the sun rises up in the east
another tyrann adores his world
diamond rings and a monument of gold
Born to take over the throne
a creature without heart
feeding a violent legacy of lies
Emerald eye - hold on to the signs
of a distant thunder roaring in the sky
emerald eye - gaze into the light
hear the distant thunder roaring across the sky



Emerald eye

Ver más info

Artista: Altaria
Canción: Emerald eye
Duración: 04:20
Vistas: 14.690
Álbum: Invitation
Etiquetas: ballads, favorites, ballad, symphonic metal, power metal

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