Final thrill Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Final thrill" de Sitd.

Final thrill lyrics

I am cursed with repeating scenes
my heaven’s full of shattered dreams
no silver lining - no god - no sun
all i have loved is far and gone
all i have loved is far and gone
I am assailed by endless fear
the ghosts of pain are always here
my soul - it wanders endlessly
on paths where hell is leading me
on paths where hell is leading me
may our souls embrace again
please believe me
just lay your hand on my heart
[ De: ]
no time to say good-bye
and if we touch our hands
then the sun will fill the sky
I feel such an unbearable pain
your venom flows throughout my veins
my stronghold’s fragile and too weak
oh, i wish i‘ve never learnt to weep
oh, i wish i‘ve never learnt to weep
may our souls embrace again
please believe me
just lay your hand on my heart
no time to say good-bye
and if we touch our hands
then the sun will fill the sky


Final thrill

Ver más info

Artista: Sitd
Canción: Final thrill
Vistas: 53

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