Decoy Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Decoy" de Sitd.

Decoy lyrics

Angry clouds over a cold harsh place
with paranoia face to face
eerie voices whispering your name
charges full of vile disdain
Are you in fear of solitude ?
your cry, my joy, your last salute
do you feel quite innocent ?
i take the guilt off your bloody hands
Come into the arms of death
[ De: ]
breathe for me your final breath
you owe me a debt of gratitude
here in the house of sombre mood
Accusations more than you can bear
roaming your mind with endless fear
climb over the bleeding walls
hell awaits, the curtain falls
Come into the arms of death
breathe for me your final breath
you owe me a debt of gratitude
here in the house of sombre mood



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Artista: Sitd
Canción: Decoy
Duración: 07:51
Vistas: 129

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