Fight Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fight" de Motograter.

Fight lyrics

Why is a scientist in a lab?
to try to destroy all meaning of this life
ripping from our man, killing while you can
murderer of this land
breeding to destroy, concepts that deploy fear in our eyes
they don't ever live to die
only live to fight, fight, fight
why do they play with strands of life today?
to build clones from human dna
fighting for your life, killing while you die, your life's in their hands
[ De: ]
breeding to destroy, concepts that deploy fear in our eyes
they don't ever live to die
only live to fight, fight, fight
they don't ever live to die
why are we dying from within?
the lie.
we've been fed this cancer all our lives
right out of the can, injected again, your life's in my hands
breeding to destroy, concepts that deploy fear in our eyes
they don't ever live to die
only live to fight, fight, fight
they don't ever live to die
only live to fight, fight, fight



Ver más info

Artista: Motograter
Canción: Fight
Duración: 10:16
Vistas: 16.704
Etiquetas: alternative metal, nu metal, nu-metal, 3-star, metal

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