Down Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Down" de Motograter.

Down lyrics

We're falling
throughout eternity
the clock is ticking
and you're still counting sheep
you're still half asleep
There's no one coming (there's no one coming)
and there's no way out (and there's no way out)
i've been falling (well i've been falling)
and it's so far down
beneath the vail of tragedy
when death comes calling
who will you believe?
tell me who will you believe?
when it's down to you and me
will you still stay on your knees?
(when it's down to you and me)
There's no one coming (there's no one coming)
and there's no way out (and there's no way out)
i've been falling (well i've been falling)
and it's so far down (and it's so far down)
[ De: ]
There's no one coming (there's no one coming)
and there's no way out
There's no way out (way out)
Pushing me down, breaking me down
there's always something
pushing me down, breaking me down
pushing me down, breaking me down
there's always something
pushing me down, breaking me down
pushing me down, breaking me down
there's always something
pushing me down, breaking me down
pushing you down, breaking you down
there's always something
pushing you back, pushing you back
I'm pushing you back, i'm pushing you back
i'm pushing you back, i'm pushing you back
i'm pushing you back, i'm pushing you back
There's no one coming
and there's no way out
well i've been falling
and it's a long way down



Ver más info

Artista: Motograter
Canción: Down
Duración: 03:29
Vistas: 76.945
Álbum: Mtv 2 headbangers ball (disc 2)
Etiquetas: alternative metal, classic rock, alternative, nu metal, metal

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