Falling Letra

Mindy Smith

El tema "Falling" interpretado por Mindy Smith pertenece a su disco "One moment more". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Falling" de Mindy Smith.

Falling lyrics

Seems like
out of nowhere
i'm coming apart
nothing 'could have saved me
you went straight for my heart
When i've almost had enough
something about you draws me back again
when i've almost given up
something about you pulls me in
and we're falling
It feels like
i am reaching
tryin' to hold on to you
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-falling-mindy-smith ]
and i know that
there's still hope here
and i know you'll come through
When i've almost had enough
something about you draws me back again
when i've almost given up
something about you pulls me in
and we're falling
When i've almost had enough
when i've almost given up
we start fallin'
and we're falling

Mindy Smith

Mindy Smith


Ver más info

Artista: Mindy Smith
Canción: Falling
Duración: 03:36
Vistas: 35.979
Álbum: One moment more
Etiquetas: indie, country, americana, smallville, female vocalists

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