Down in flames Letra

Mindy Smith

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Down in flames lyrics

I don't usually take chances
most would easily agree
something in your eyes
is saying you can ease my heartache
i have a burden in sight
and i know you're just a stranger
if you cannot understand
there's too many times
i've lost my chance to talk with an angel
too many to count
And life's so hard
it's the little things that seem to be getting me today, yeah
life's so hard
but i'm doing what i can not to be getting down
i'm going down in flames
going down in flames
And i would tell you i am happy
if i wasn't so damn sad
[ De: ]
and the loneliness both overwhelms and keeps me empty
that's how it's been for a while
And life's so hard
it's the little things that seem to be getting me today, yeah
life's so hard
but i'm doing what i can not to be getting down
i'm going down in flames
going down in flames
I need some direction
i need someone to listen
someone to tell me they know
That life's so hard
it's the little things that seem to be saving me today, yeah
life's so hard
and i'm doing what i can
oh, yeah, i'm doing what i can
hey, i'm doing what i can
putting out the flames
Mindy Smith

Mindy Smith

Down in flames

Ver más info

Artista: Mindy Smith
Canción: Down in flames
Duración: 04:12
Vistas: 16.677
Etiquetas: female vocalist, americana, alt-country, female vocalists, country

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