Fallen souls Letra


El tema "Fallen souls" interpretado por Ours pertenece a su disco "Distorted lullabies". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Fallen souls" de Ours.

Fallen souls lyrics

i don't know if it's sacred or not
you say we can fall apart any time
breathe for the whole world
for we can't fight
they starve for the love that we supply
Feed from their eyes
dream you're alive
and feel, feel
well the beast flies tonight
and the world he describes
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-fallen-souls-ours ]
suffer, suffer
i don't know if we're heading for a fall
you jump
into the front to say you're a part
of it all
We feed from their eyes
dream you're alive
to feel
well the beast flies tonight
and the world he describes
suffer, suffer
These are the fallen
the fallen souls



Fallen souls

Ver más info

Artista: Ours
Canción: Fallen souls
Duración: 04:00
Vistas: 62.685
Álbum: Distorted lullabies
Etiquetas: alternative, male vocalists, ours, alternative rock, rock

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