Dizzy Letra


El tema "Dizzy" interpretado por Ours pertenece a su disco "Distorted lullabies". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dizzy" de Ours.

Dizzy lyrics

We're in
we start the things that feel
out back
the drunken waters still frown on me
If we beat him down will he stay?
he's a little dizzy
and i feel it's starting to take me
where did everybody go?
i need them now to save me
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dizzy-ours ]
We fell
when they chose the things that feel
howcome we hurt the ones we need?
lie down and stretch upon the sea
If we beat him down will he stay?
he's a little dizzy
and i feel it's starting to take me
where did everybody go?
i need them now to save me.




Ver más info

Artista: Ours
Canción: Dizzy
Duración: 04:30
Vistas: 49.587
Álbum: Distorted lullabies
Etiquetas: alternative rock, sadness, beautiful, melancholic, love

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