End of a hollywood bedtime story Letra

The Dears

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "End of a hollywood bedtime story" de The Dears.

End of a hollywood bedtime story lyrics

It's so very sad that i prefer to sleep in a hollywood bed
and it's so very sad that i prefer a love so miserably led.
well what did you want? would you rather this in a different font? i don't know.
I'm happy to say that i am forever changing my ways.
for there is nothing else to spill, except a demi-format bottle of pills.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-end-of-a-hollywood-bedtime-story-the-dears ]
well what did you want? would you rather this in a different font? oh, no.
Is this the end? has our time come and gone? it's like every book we've read and every film we saw.
if this is how our world must fall apart, no sewing kits to mend our broken hearts, clearly there's no point in this pretense.
still we're left to find out how it ends.
how will it end? is this the end?

The Dears

The Dears

End of a hollywood bedtime story

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Artista: The Dears
Canción: End of a hollywood bedtime story
Duración: 05:59
Vistas: 21.866
Álbum: Thank you good night sold out
Etiquetas: alternative, story, yes, love, romantic

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