Corduroy boy Letra

The Dears

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Corduroy boy lyrics

He's got his corduroys on the only ones that he owns
he's gonna call her up on the telephone
just dial
build up that guile
he wants to ask her out to partake of a drink
he had it all locked up but he was missing the link
just smile, cause thats your style
"this time"
i've got to impress her
"this time"
i've got to work on my posture
"this time"
maybe she'll fall in love
"this time"
if i bring in the flowers
"this time"
maybe move in a bit closer
"this time"
maybe she'll fall in love
She asked him of his ambition in life
[ De: ]
is it a job for a house and a beautiful wife
oh no, i don't think so
he says he wants to be on entertainment tonight
with all the hollywood squares of the future so bright
he'll go
pretty low to get there
"this time"
i shouldn't have spoken
"this time"
but my zipper was open
"this time"
what was i thinking of?
"this time"
if i'm not mistaken
"this time"
well she really won't care then
"this time"
maybe she'll fall in love
in love with me
"this time"
"this time"
"this time"
"na na na na na na ;
The Dears

The Dears

Corduroy boy

Ver más info

Artista: The Dears
Canción: Corduroy boy
Duración: 03:39
Vistas: 12.306
Álbum: Nor the dahlias: the dears 1995-1998
Etiquetas: canadian, ugh, grown old but never dull, disko disko, indie pop

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