Empty sky Letra

Buried Alive

El tema "Empty sky" interpretado por Buried Alive pertenece a su disco "The death of your perfect world". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Empty sky" de Buried Alive.

Empty sky lyrics

This empty sky fills your empty mind.
and it's you, the fool, who thinks that i'll rot away.
when there's nothing to save you from this hell.
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-empty-sky-buried-alive ]
fuck your faith. i'll rot away.
this empty sky can't save.
this empty sky has deaf ears to your cries.
there's no salvation.
fuck your faith.
rot away.

Buried Alive

Buried Alive

Empty sky

Ver más info

Artista: Buried Alive
Canción: Empty sky
Duración: 01:52
Vistas: 12.176
Álbum: The death of your perfect world
Etiquetas: hardcore

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