Curse of the womb Letra

Buried Alive

El tema "Curse of the womb" interpretado por Buried Alive pertenece a su disco "The death of your perfect world". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Curse of the womb" de Buried Alive.

Curse of the womb lyrics

Drain this blood from me.
your curse runs through my veins.
take this name you gave.
i don't want you branded on me.
bloodline of guilt.
your hate.
my solitude is my fate.
everything i hated in you is now inside of me.
[ De: ]
i want to tear you out and this is all you gave to me.
so how can i live with myself cursed in the womb?
i know this was beaten in you.
your voice of hate runs through my head.
now all i want is to see you dead.
drain this blood from me.
your curse runs through my veins.
curse of the womb.
i want to see you dead.
Buried Alive

Buried Alive

Curse of the womb

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Artista: Buried Alive
Canción: Curse of the womb
Duración: 02:58
Vistas: 11.173
Álbum: The death of your perfect world
Etiquetas: hardcore

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