Empty room Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Empty room" de Bardot.

Empty room lyrics

Empty room
i thought i wanted it this way
i thought i really meant the words i said
i had so many reasons in my head
but all i really needed was a little time and space
but that was just a phase
now it's an empty room
Without you, without you
it's an empty room
to come home, to come home to
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-empty-room-bardot ]
it's an empty room
without you, without you
and this empty room
just isn't home,
it isn't home without you
Well i guess i'm out of sorts
i must have been completely out of my head
'cause i feel like a stranger in my own bed
and all the walls and ornaments they seem to offend me
won't you forgive me?



Empty room

Ver más info

Artista: Bardot
Canción: Empty room
Duración: 03:37
Vistas: 917
Álbum: Poison

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