Down Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Down" de Bardot.

Down lyrics

Down, down, down, down [repeat]
look what you're doing to me
'cause i don't want you to leave
wish i could stop you somehow
but you're out of plain now
I want you please to come back to me
(back to me)
i need you with me to make it
(i need you with me to)
if this is how it's meant to be, boy
then i just can't take it
i'm so down
when i'm not around you
(when i'm not around you, baby)
i'm so down i feel so blue
[ De: ]
when i can't see you
(when i can't see you)
I've got this feeling in me
and i just can't seem to breathe
as i look up in the sky
you never say goodbye
I want you please to come back to me
(back to me)
i need you with me to make it
(i need you with me to)
if this is how it's meant to be, boy
then i just can't take it
[repeat chorus]
Why do you hurt me so much, boy?
you make me feel down
but i'm hurting and hoping and praying
that you'll still be around
[repeat chorus to fade]



Ver más info

Artista: Bardot
Canción: Down
Duración: 03:41
Vistas: 1.477
Álbum: Bardot

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