E Letra


El tema "E" interpretado por Butterfingers pertenece a su disco "Butter worth pushful". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "E" de Butterfingers.

E lyrics

I'm a loser and a screw up
don't insult me you're no better
lay back on it culture panic
got a freckle on my vomit
i will never lie
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-e-butterfingers ]
monday till sunday .... s a m
as ever
it don't matter i am boredly
i'm a loser and screw up first
you kiss me then you leave me
got a flimsy sonar rattle
it's so easy to be silly

Ver más info

Artista: Butterfingers
Canción: E
Duración: 02:59
Vistas: 1.363
Álbum: Butter worth pushful

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