Delirium Letra


El tema "Delirium" interpretado por Butterfingers pertenece a su disco "Butter worth pushful". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Delirium" de Butterfingers.

Delirium lyrics

Ascertain things are left
vagueness cause it ain't over till it's over
for reasons i have not disovered
i feel full of beans
waylay outside unseen trouble
where means are often
passing phases
even-handed young and happy
wipe out all my sins
you know i cared
you know i've cared i'd care
i'll care
you know i'd
[ De: ]
send up all the one's before
you someday i will soon recover
breed a star of broken idols
imagine what it'll be
slip inside a sheltered corner
well think i'm fine and never healthy
criticize my table-manner
i feel full of beans
chain all my ankles to the sky
sure i'll soon know before i leave
i promise you i'll give it up
i'm going



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Artista: Butterfingers
Canción: Delirium
Duración: 03:37
Vistas: 1.588
Álbum: Butter worth pushful

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