Drive me Letra

Jamie Walters

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Drive me" de Jamie Walters.

Drive me lyrics

I am a bright red stingray, from 1968.
Think i got something here, you will appreciate.
We can go fast or go slow, anyway that you feel.
I can't wait to see your face, when you're behind the wheel.
Don't be nervous, don't be shy.
Why stand still if you can fly.
Drive me, drive me. the key is in your hand.
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Drive me, drive me. just as far as you can.
I know where you need to go, can't get there without me.
You can't make it all alone, why don't you turn the key.
Don't be nervous, don't be shy.
Why stand still if you can fly.
Let's go & tear up the road.
I know the way baby,
Why don't you drive me home.
Jamie Walters

Jamie Walters

Drive me

Ver más info

Artista: Jamie Walters
Canción: Drive me
Duración: 04:46
Vistas: 1.113
Álbum: Jamie walters

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