Dog on chain Letra

Jamie Walters

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dog on chain" de Jamie Walters.

Dog on chain lyrics

Don't ya know you confuse me,
Everytime you walk away.
And i feel like you just use me,
'cause you know i'm gonna stay.
Where ya lead i just follow,
Anywhere i come to you.
Like a dog on a chain.
When you call out my name.
I come runnin' to you,
You give me somethin' sweet.
And i'll lay right at your feet.
[ De: ]
I come runnin' to you.
Runnin' to you.
Everytime you deny me,
I still want you anyway.
And then you look right by me,
You don't hear a word i say.
Where ya lead i just follow
Anywhere i come to you.
Darlin' if you only knew,
What you mean to me.
You would never be so mean to me.
Where ya lead i just follow.
Anywhere i come to you.
Jamie Walters

Jamie Walters

Dog on chain

Ver más info

Artista: Jamie Walters
Canción: Dog on chain
Vistas: 65

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