Dreaming of black waves Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dreaming of black waves" de Hangar.

Dreaming of black waves lyrics

I am the one
Who bring you back to life
No matter what I felt
Walking on the water at night

Since I believe
In the lightness of your soul
There is no turning back

I will take you once again
To keep the balance of your faith
I see light inside the darkness of your eyes

When I saw you alone
Dreaming of black waves
I found the one
I would like to see everyday

[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dreaming-of-black-waves-hangar ]
Since I believe in the lightness of your soul
There is no turning back

I will take you once again
To keep the balance of your faith
I see light inside the darkness of your eyes

Everyone has a secret life
Floating among your dreams
You are a miracle in my life
Always keeping everything inside

I will take you once again
To keep the balance of your faith
I see light inside the darkness of your eyes



Dreaming of black waves

Ver más info

Artista: Hangar
Canción: Dreaming of black waves
Duración: 03:29
Vistas: 10.355
Etiquetas: heavy metal, metal, brazil, brasil, power metal

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