Based on a true story Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Based on a true story" de Hangar.

Based on a true story lyrics

Sometimes I am looking
At the stars alone to find
Some reason to forget
Or refuse my sadness again

Here I am in the dark
With my feelings and my scars
Here I am not alone
You are in the roots of my soul

And I always have much more to say
But the wind and the time will find
Some reason to explain my choices
I will take everything in this life

[ De: ]
If the stars are hiding in the clouds
Now it's time to make a change
I hope someday don't regret my choices
And I know that's insane

Here I am in the dark
With my feelings and my scars
Here I am not alone
You are in the roots of my soul

And I always have much more to say
But the wind and the time will find
Some reason to explain my choices
I will take everything in this life


Based on a true story

Ver más info

Artista: Hangar
Canción: Based on a true story
Duración: 05:12
Vistas: 7.362
Etiquetas: heavy metal, power metal, brazil, brasil, metal

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