Dooly Letra

The Dillards

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dooly" de The Dillards.

Dooly lyrics

Dooley was a good old man
who lived below the mill
dooley had two daughters
and a forty gallon still
one girl watched the boiler
the other watched the spout
and mama corked the bottle
and old dooly fetched them
Chorus: dooley steppin
up a holler
dooley trying to
[ De: ]
make adollar
dooley give me
a swaller and ill pay you back someday
Now i remember very well
the day old dooley died the
woman folk looked sorry and
the men stood around and cried
they put him on a mountain he
lies there all alone they put a
jug beside him and a barrel
for a stone
The Dillards

The Dillards


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Artista: The Dillards
Canción: Dooly
Duración: 02:03
Vistas: 86

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