Dooley Letra

The Dillards

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dooley" de The Dillards.

Dooley lyrics

Dooley was a good ole man
he lived below the mill
dooley had two daughters
and a forty-gallon still
One gal watched the boiler
the other watched the spout
and mama corked the bottles
and ole dooley fetched 'em out.
Dooley slippin' up the holler
dooley try to make a dollar
dooley give me a swaller
and i'll pay you back someday.
The revenuers came for him
a-sippin' though the woods
dooley kept behind them all
and never lost his goods
Dooley was a trader
when into town he'd come
[ De: ]
sugar by the bushel
and molasses by the ton.
Dooley slippin' up the holler
dooley try to make a dollar
dooley gimme a swaller
and i'l pay you back someday.
I remember very well
the day ole dooley died
the women folk weren't sorry
and the men stood round and cried
Now dooleys on the mountain
he lies there all alone
they put a jug beside him
and a barrel for his stone.

Dooley slippin' up the holler
dooley try to make a dollar
dooley gimme a swaller
and i'll pay you back someday.
The Dillards

The Dillards


Ver más info

Artista: The Dillards
Canción: Dooley
Duración: 02:08
Vistas: 6.778
Álbum: There is a time
Etiquetas: bluegrass, -5, banjo, country, spotify

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