Dont sleep in the subway Letra

Petula Clark

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dont sleep in the subway" de Petula Clark.

Dont sleep in the subway lyrics

You wander around on your own little cloud
when you don't see the why or the wherefore
you walk out on me when we both disagree
'cause to reason is not what you care for

i've heard it all a million time before
take off your coat, my love, and close the door

don't sleep in the subway, darlin'
don't stand in the pouring rain
don't sleep in the subway, darlin'
the night is long
forget your foolish pride
nothing's wrong
now you're beside me again

[ De: ]
you try to be smart, then you take it to heart
'cause it hurts when your ego is deflated
you don't realize that it's all compromise
and the problems are so overrated

goodbye means nothing when it's all for show
so why pretend you've somewhere else to go

don't sleep in the subway, darlin'
don't stand in the pouring rain
don't sleep in the subway, darlin'
the night is long
forget your foolish pride
nothing's wrong
now you're beside me again
Don't sleep in the subway, darlin'...
Petula Clark

Petula Clark

Dont sleep in the subway

Ver más info

Artista: Petula Clark
Canción: Dont sleep in the subway
Duración: 02:56
Vistas: 444

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