Dont give up Letra

Petula Clark

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dont give up" de Petula Clark.

Dont give up lyrics

When love seems to get you down
when you can't turn around and run
you've got to stop and face the fact
that the heartaches have just begun
because you need love, you need love
keep on till you know what you've won yeah
<instrumental-first line and a half of chorus>
don't give up, don't let it get you down
don't give up, don't think of leaving town
don't give up, don't run away from it
love will be yours in the end, my friend
When someone is on your mind
and you can't find the words to say
don't put off until tomorrow, my friend
what you know you've gotta do today
because you need love, you need love
and in time you'll discover the way yeah
<instrumental-first line and a half of chorus>
[ De: ]
don't give up, don't let it get you down
don't give up, don't think of leaving town
don't give up, don't run away from it
love will be yours in the end, my friend
<instrumental bridge>
You know you need love, you need love
keep on till you know what you've won yeah
<instrumental-first line and a half of chorus>
now don't give up, don't let it get you down
don't give up, don't think of leaving town
don't give up, don't run away from it
love will be yours in the end, my friend
now don't give up, don't let it get you down
don't give up, don't think of leaving town
don't give up, don't run away from it
love will be yours in the end, my friend
now don't give up, don't let it get you down
Petula Clark

Petula Clark

Dont give up

Ver más info

Artista: Petula Clark
Canción: Dont give up
Duración: 03:19
Vistas: 83

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