Domino effect Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Domino effect" de Ozma.

Domino effect lyrics

Chances last a finite time
in the warm july nighttime
every care that keeps you from your feet is a care that carries your defeat
You better let 'er rip tonight
with a pocket full of kryptonite
every care that keeps you in your seat is a care that carries your defeat
Sing that song you sang long ago
a heartbeat so sure and slow
hold me and don't let go
the fourteenth domino
[ De: ]
Twenty thousand points of light
sun by day disco ball by night
every care that keeps you from the beat is a care that carries your defeat
Sing that song that i used to know
the fourteenth black domino
hold me like long ago
a heartbeat sure and slow
Chances last a finite time
in the warm july nighttime
every care that keeps you from your feet is a care that carries your defeat
Chances last a finite time and you're running out of time


Domino effect

Ver más info

Artista: Ozma
Canción: Domino effect
Duración: 03:30
Vistas: 61.594
Álbum: Rock and roll part three
Etiquetas: elizabeth lester, emo, rock, elizabeth marie lester, 00s

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