Continental drift Letra


El tema "Continental drift" interpretado por Ozma pertenece a su disco "Doubble donkey disc". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Continental drift" de Ozma.

Continental drift lyrics

I'm bored, you're boarding the 504 out of town
it's late, so look straight, don't pull your eyes off the ground
you sit and wait across the gate, the minutes stretch themselves so long
you'll never be my destiny, because my destination's wrong
Right coast, left coast
drifting round and round
i'm lost, always, and i know i can't be found
Who made these customs i can't seem to get past?
[ De: ]
it's no use, since you've been born into a higher class
when i want you, and only you, somehow your baggage comes along
and it never stops, no, it never stops, until i'm back where i belong
Right coast, wrong coast
drifting round and round
i'm lost, always, and i know i can't be found
You can't see me across this great divide
i'm lost, always, if i'm not right by your side
Back where i belong
back where i belong


Continental drift

Ver más info

Artista: Ozma
Canción: Continental drift
Duración: 05:47
Vistas: 22.154
Álbum: Doubble donkey disc
Etiquetas: weezer-related, nice, alternative rock, rock, awesome

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