Do you really want a miracle Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Do you really want a miracle" de Carly.

Do you really want a miracle lyrics

Everyone always assumes the better
before they can imagine the worst
they always put the right shoe on
'cause it should always go on first
Princes might ride horses
princesses might wear crowns
doesn't matter who brings you up
'cause someone will always bring you down
do you really want a miracle
or are you just wanting to dream
wish upon a shooting star
[ De: ]
even though you're the way you are
no matter what you do
Someone may smile at you
but 'cause your day went wrong
you don't wanna smile back
it's okay to hurt and it's alright to laugh
(you'll be smiling before long)
Somedays you'll wanna spread your wings and fly
somedays you'll wanna pick up your feet and run
sure it feels good to have faith
but what's done is already done
Repeat chorus out


Do you really want a miracle

Ver más info

Artista: Carly
Canción: Do you really want a miracle
Vistas: 91

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