Come clean (hilary parody) Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Come clean (hilary parody)" de Carly.

Come clean (hilary parody) lyrics

Let's go back, back to the beginning
back to when we couldn't hear hilary sing
'cause perfect, no she is not perfect
trying to steal her sister's dream and fortune
was no lie, don't deny
let the rain fall down and wreck her dreams
let it wash away this insanity
'cause i'd rather hear the thunder
i wanna scream
let the rain fall down
[ De: ]
just come clean, just come clean
I'm dreading, dreading every hil song
trying to find some ear plugs for my ears
she's different, but doesn't feel so different
and anything is better than always hearing this
in my ears
Repeat chorus
Just come clean
let the rain fall
let the rain fall
just come clean
Repeat chorus
Let's go back, back to the beginning


Come clean (hilary parody)

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Artista: Carly
Canción: Come clean (hilary parody)
Vistas: 90

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