Dark secret (ire divine) Letra

Rhapsody Of Fire

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dark secret (ire divine)" de Rhapsody Of Fire.

Dark secret (ire divine) lyrics

Part i: the ancient prophecy
"it was a good time for all creatures of the earth,
but fate decreed that the dark prophecy of a demon knight
could bring a tragic end to this peace
scarring their lives forever.
Shortly before his defeat in the last of the primordial wars between the heavens and hells
the evil son of the hellgod, kron, known as nekron, withdrew to his lair in the underworld.
there, sensing his impending death, he inscribed a testament of pure evil in seven black books.
one by one, six of these books were discovered throughout the ages,
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dark-secret-ire-divine-rhapsody-of-fire ]
however the seventh, last and most terrible of all contained the secret of his resurrection.
he commanded seven immortal demons to carry out his dark plan.
but they were turned into stone by the angels of the crystal realms.
and so his dreams slept with them until a time came when the forces of evil would usurp the earth.
nekron would rule in the unholy name of cosmic
and this time he would reign supreme"
Part ii: ira divina
Ira divina
a dolore nunc libera nos
tacet rota temporis
nunc est silentium
sempiternus angelus
a malo libera nos
a malo

Rhapsody Of Fire

Rhapsody Of Fire

Dark secret (ire divine)

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Artista: Rhapsody Of Fire
Canción: Dark secret (ire divine)
Vistas: 93

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