Dargor, shadowlord of the black mountain Letra

Rhapsody Of Fire

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dargor, shadowlord of the black mountain" de Rhapsody Of Fire.

Dargor, shadowlord of the black mountain lyrics

Not so far from the wide dragonland
Where the valleys breathe the smell of dark gate

Dargor is marching with the poor Airin
There where dark has ruled forever for the demonknights
Fire's riding to valleys of death
While shadows are rising from bloody hells
Fire's riding to Hargor, the town
Where evil and terror conquered the clouds

We sing to the wind the legend of the kings
To spread our heart to the kingdom of dust
Where heroes are lost, where now reigns the shadowlord

Carved in shadow is his magic throne
Kron disciple not extreme at all

Gothic his kingdom told by old jesters
Pride and terror live togheter
In his stormy heart
Fire's riding to valleys of death
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dargor-shadowlord-of-the-black-mountain-rhapsody-of-fire ]
While shadows are rising from bloody hells
Fire's riding to Hargor, the town
Where evil and terror conquered the clouds

We sing to the wind the legend of the kings
To spread our heart to the kingdom of dust
Where heroes are lost, where now reigns the shadowlord

Cry with me to fill the crystal sea
Cry for all the victims of these stones
Shed your tears to fill the silent fall
And wash in it your swords

Fire's riding to valleys of death
While shadows are rising from bloody hells
Fire's riding to Hargor, the town
Where evil and terror conquered the clouds

We sing to the wind the legend of the kings
To spread our heart to the kingdom of dust
Where heroes are lost, where now reigns the shadow
Now reigns the shadow
Now reigns the shadowlord

Rhapsody Of Fire

Rhapsody Of Fire

Dargor, shadowlord of the black mountain

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Artista: Rhapsody Of Fire
Canción: Dargor, shadowlord of the black mountain
Duración: 04:48
Vistas: 132.884
Etiquetas: metal, symphonic metal, epic metal, fantasy metal, power metal

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