Bow your heads Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Bow your heads" de Aeon.

Bow your heads lyrics

I love you Satan, my father, my pride
You showed me the right things to do
Reject the poison of god
I open myself for you
I can feel you inside me
I can feel you inside my veins
You are the energy I need
You make me INHUMAN
Bow your head for Satan
Bow your head for Satan
I am in you
You are in me, we are together
You are my paradise, my everything
You are my hell when I need it
You are my heaven
I will always love you

[ De: ]
Bow your heads for Satan
Bow your heads for Satan
You are my paradise
I need you in my life
I am trapped inside your flames
Love that never dies
Bow your heads, Bow your head
For satan
Bow your heads, Bow your head
My soul Belongs to you
Forever there with you
My body belongs to you
And you will feast upon it too
Bow your heads, Bow your head
For satan
Bow your heads, Bow your head
Together hand in hand
We destroy the ones we hate
Our enemies will fall
Dead bodies we will rape


Bow your heads

Ver más info

Artista: Aeon
Canción: Bow your heads
Duración: 04:46
Vistas: 18.132
Etiquetas: insane, death metal, swedish metal, brutal death metal

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