Bleeding the false Letra


El tema "Bleeding the false" interpretado por Aeon pertenece a su disco "Bleeding the false". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Bleeding the false" de Aeon.

Bleeding the false lyrics

I seek revenge upon the false
I want you dead stabbing
killing you flatline
I know your names
You spread your lies to make
yourself the bigger one
You think that lies will get rid of me
Face to face you are always
acting as a friend
But I know you are false now
it's stabbing time
There will be blood everywhere
I will enjoy your death.
Screams and blood
To see your life end with pain
Bleeding the false
This is a dream that comes true
Twisting my knife inside you
I am the last you will see
Now its time to bleed for me
Another one is dead but
there are more to kill
You are next your blood I spill

[ De: ]
You know I am coming for you
now so be prepared
I will not stop until your kind is dead
There will be blood everywhere
I will enjoy your death.
Screams and blood
To see your life end with pain
Bleeding the false
This is a dream that comes true
Twisting my knife inside you
I am the last you will see
Now its time to bleed for me
I follow you around
I study your moves
I look for weakness
Death I bring you
When time is right
I will make my move
Twisting the knife
I will love killing you
I stab you
Over and over again
I stab stab you
Over and over again
Kill kill kill kill
Kill kill kill kill.


Bleeding the false

Ver más info

Artista: Aeon
Canción: Bleeding the false
Duración: 03:35
Vistas: 21.942
Álbum: Bleeding the false
Etiquetas: fucking awesome, brutal fucking metal, satanic perfection, death metal, brutal death metal

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