You won't be lonely Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "You won't be lonely" de Stryper.

You won't be lonely lyrics

Won't you open up your heart and let me come inside.
Please let the loving start to climb.
I know you may may wonder why I've
come to hold you tight.
I don't want you to cry tonight.
I will take you in my arms and sing your favorite song.
As i tell you of your charms all night long.
You've been hurt over again, with
all my love I say I am
Holding out my hand.

You won't be lonely anymore.
[ De: ]
You won't be lonely anymore.

For so long you've been in rain, but
now you're warm and dry.
You've been through all the pain
and now it's blue skies.
You'll be happy and secure as long
as you are mine and as
Long as I am yours.

Won't you open up your hear and let me come inside.
Please let the loving start to climb.
I will take you in my arms and I will hold you tight.
You won't be lonely tonight.


You won't be lonely

Ver más info

Artista: Stryper
Canción: You won't be lonely
Duración: 03:41
Vistas: 5.984
Álbum: The yellow and black attack
Etiquetas: christian rock, stryper

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