Underline had Letra

Samuel Larsen

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Underline had" de Samuel Larsen.

Underline had lyrics

I wanna paint the sky
And ask the past why
You bring the good things back
And purchase those things i lack
I wanna fade away into another day.
When i felt loved inside cause
You were by my side.
Thought i felt love less
But ive been through hell and back
Can you help me
Can you help me
Help me out
If he makes you smile
I gotta just let it be
I gotta just let it be whoa
And if he makes you tremble
I gotta just let it be
I gotta just let it be yeah oh
Can you help me darling
Cause baby i kept on falling
You didnt feel the same
So you just ran away
Baby is it a crime
To wanna make you mine
Wanna make you see
How good your love could be yeah
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-underline-had-samuel-larsen ]
But it doesnt matter
Because now we've answered
Hope your happy
Hope your happy baby yeah
If he makes you shiver
I gotta just let it be
I gotta just let it be yeah
And if this is forever
I gotta just let it be
I gotta just let it be yeah
Now im taken back to when i had you
When i had you
But now i'll face the truth
I dont have you
No we are through
If he makes you smile
I gotta just let it be
I gotta just let it be whoa
And if he makes you tremble
I gotta just let it be
I gotta just let it be
And if he makes you cry from the happiness inside
Well i gotta just let it be
I gotta just let it be yeah
And if he makes you breathless
I gotta just let it be
I gotta just let it be no no no

Samuel Larsen

Samuel Larsen

Underline had

Ver más info

Artista: Samuel Larsen
Canción: Underline had
Duración: 04:33
Vistas: 841

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