Two in the chest, one in the head Letra

New Years Day

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Two in the chest, one in the head" de New Years Day.

Two in the chest, one in the head lyrics

Just what the doctor ordered
A hospital bed and a coroner
You knocked me dead just like I knew you would
No cure or recovery
Baby, I'm addicted to your disease
Maybe you're a bad medicine
Maybe you're a bad medicine

I'm dead inside - you make me feel alive
You're all I want and I don't know why
This new addiction is all I know
And it's safe to say,
That I've lost all control

I've always felt so empty
Took a little taste and found that you are the remedy
You knocked me dead just like I knew you would
No help or therapy
[ De: ]
Baby, I'm addicted to your disease
Maybe you're a bad medicine
Maybe you're a bad medicine

I'm dead inside - you make me feel alive
You're all I want and I don't know why
This new addiction is all I know
And it's safe to say,
That I've lost all control

You knocked me dead
(And I've lost all control)
You knocked me dead

I'm dead inside - you make me feel alive
You're all I want and I don't know why
This new addiction is all I know
And it's safe to say,
That I've lost all control

You knocked me dead
(And I've lost all control)
You knocked me dead
New Years Day

New Years Day

Two in the chest, one in the head

Ver más info

Artista: New Years Day
Canción: Two in the chest, one in the head
Duración: 03:22
Vistas: 3.679
Etiquetas: just what the doctor ordered, pop punk, thumper

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