Train wreck Letra

Noise Pollution

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Train wreck" de Noise Pollution.

Train wreck lyrics


You called me up,
Just to bring me down.
Asking me if I remember you,
If I remember those days.


So here I am,
Just trying to find,
My own way home.
And there you go,
Carrying on,
With nowhere to go.


Those days where we cared for each other,
When inside I know,
[ De: ]
You dragged me under water,
And told me you'd never let go.


So here I am,
Just trying to find,
My own way home.
And there you go,
Carrying on,
With nowhere to go.


When I was with you
Rapped your hands around my neck.
Didn't seem to know what to do,
Because I am, Just another

Noise Pollution

Noise Pollution

Train wreck

Ver más info

Artista: Noise Pollution
Canción: Train wreck
Duración: 03:33
Vistas: 2.652
Etiquetas: 12345678, train wreck

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