To love somebody Letra

Ray Lamontagne

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "To love somebody" de Ray Lamontagne.

To love somebody lyrics

There is a light,
certain kind of light,
that never shone on me.
I want my life to be,
live with
live with you,
there is a way,
all say,
to do everything,
But the use of it
if not I have you,
if not I have you?

Baby, do not know what you feel,
Baby, do not know what it feels
love someone like I love you I love you.

In my mind,
I see your face again
[ De: ]
I know part of my mind,
should not be so blind,
and I'm blind, so blind.
But I am a man,
Can not you see what I am?
I live and breathe for you
But I did serve,
if not I have you,
if not I have you?

Baby, do not know what you feel,
Baby, do not know what it feels
love someone like I love you I love you.

Baby, do not know what you feel,
Baby, do not know what it feels
love someone like I love you I love you.
Ray Lamontagne

Ray Lamontagne

To love somebody

Ver más info

Artista: Ray Lamontagne
Canción: To love somebody
Duración: 04:18
Vistas: 2.121

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