The hype Letra

Power Band

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "The hype" de Power Band.

The hype lyrics

Searched and searched
Where is the justice
Couldn't find it
So in God I trust this mind to
So it's strong and fruitful
Am what I am
Black and it's beautiful
Not political
But aware
Power Lord
With a Powerful stare
Never bow down to a mortal man
Here I stand at my own command

Not a follower
Not a leader
An exceeder sharp as a cleaver
Some are sinners some are praisers
Me Turbo B.
Heavenly Hellraiser
Truth from the kid make some stronger
Straight to the heart like a 12" dagger
Way of the world
[ De: ]
Gaze upon the black pearl

Believe The Hype
The bigger the badder bull
In the game of life
Knowledge rules
The one with brains is the sole survivor
Whit food is i tink ;with i stupid driver
Don't be a dim wit
Really a bad trip
Wisdom get this
This is legit
Can l get a witness
Not oppressor of the oppressor
Don't rate this one as anything lesser
You don't want to hear it
But if the shoe fits then wear it
Life is tough so you got to get tougher
Get smart
To out bluff the bluffer
Feed your mind till wisdom peaks
Absorb the knowledge I speak
Power Band

Power Band

The hype

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Artista: Power Band
Canción: The hype
Vistas: 85

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