The blackening begins Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "The blackening begins" de Noctura.

The blackening begins lyrics

Darkened shadows cover the sun
Concealing moments that can't be undone
Fallen angels, the sun's decay
Blood red sunsets turn to grey

Once unleashed you'll find your new sin
Shadows on the sun will darken again
Menacing thoughts lead to mayhem
The blackening begins

[ De: ]
Pieces of time remain intact
But soon the sun will turn to black
Feelings of emptiness yet full of regret
consumed by a darkness that you've never met

Once unleashed you'll find your new sin
Shadows on the sun will darken again
Menacing thoughts lead to mayhem
The blackening begins.


The blackening begins

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Artista: Noctura
Canción: The blackening begins
Duración: 03:34
Vistas: 2.096
Etiquetas: gothic, melancholic, piano, female vocalists, rock

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